Exploration of the Massacre Valley, North of Hoengsong in Which Tragic Incident Was Happened in Feb. 1951. 1951년 2월 625사변 때 비극의 횡성 북방 전투현장 탐방기

 1951 2 11 심야에 중공군의 침략에 의한 14후퇴의 아픔을 딛고 UN군은 리지웨이 장군의 지휘하에 반격작전을 개시하고 있었는데 10군단 소속의 한국군 8사단 전선에 중공군이 공세를 가해와 횡성 북단 홍천과 횡성을 잇는 삼마치 고개에서 아군의 전선은 붕괴되고 비극은 시작되었다.

In the middle of the night of February 11, 1951, overcoming the pain of the retreat of Jan. 4th caused by the Chinese Invasion, the UN Forces were launching a counteroffensive under the command of General Ridgway, when the Chinese Forces launched a major offensive on the front of 8th Korean Army's Division belonging to the US 10th Corps. At the pass of Sammachi, which connected Hongcheon and Hoengsong at the northern end of Hoengsong, the friendly army's front line was collapsed, and tragedy began.

삼마치 고개는 전에 탐방을 있으나 이번에는 전방의 국군 8사단을 근접 지원하기 위하여 2사단에서 차출되었던 21지원대가 희생되었던 삼마치 고개 인접한 횡성군 창봉리 학담리 Massacre Valley(죽음의 골짜기) 탐방하기로 하였다.

We had visited the pass of Sammachi before, but this time, we visited Massacre Valley in Changbong-ri and Hakdam-ri, Hoengseong-gun, adjacent to Sammachi, where the 21st U.S. Support Unit, which was drawn from the 2nd Division, was sacrificed to provide close support to the 8th South Korean Division at the forefront. I decided to explore it more deeply.

21지원대가 희생되게 것은 10군단장의 명령체계에 따라 지원대는 한국군 사단장의 명령에 따라야 했으나 국군이 삼마치 고개에서 패주하는 상황에서 사단의 통신체계가 붕괴되며 사단장이 즉각적인 후퇴 명령 등을 하지 않은 것으로 판단되었다. 당시 중부전선에서 Round Up 작전을 주관하던 군단장은 국군 사단을 최전방에 투입하고 후방에 미군 예비로 운용하면서 야포와 기갑 화력을 사단휘하에 파견하는 시범적인 작전이었다. 따라서 국군 사단장의 명령이 없거나 지시가 불가능한 상황에서 지원부대장은 복잡한 지휘체계를 거쳐 군단장의 명령을 기다릴 수밖에 없는 상황에 놓이게 되면서 자신을 보호해야 전방의 국군은 패주하여 퇴로는 막히고 후퇴는 군단의 명령을 기다려야 하는 비극적 상황이 되고 것이다.

The reason why the 21st U.S. Support Unit was sacrificed was because according to the command system of the 10th Corps Commander, the support unit had to follow the orders of the Korean Division Commander. However, in a situation where the South Korean (ROK) Army was routed from the pass of Sammachi, the division's communication system was collapsed, and the division commander could not give an immediate retreat order. It was judged that at the time, the U.S. 10th Corps Commander in charge of Operation Roundup on the central front was a pilot operation in which he deployed a ROK Division to the front line and operated the U.S. Division as a reserve in the rear, including the U.S. Supporting Unit being dispatching for firepower, such as field artillery and armor, under the command of the ROK Division. Therefore, in a situation where there is no order from the ROK Division Commander or when instructions are impossible, the support unit commander is forced to go through a complex command system and wait for the U.S. Corps Commander's Order. As a result, the ROK troops on the front line who are supposed to protect themselves are routed and their rear was blocked by Chinese, and retreat is ordered lately by the corps. It became a tragic situation where they had to breakout.

강변북로로부터 동측으로 이어지는 6 국도는 2020 11 14 15:00에도 여전히 막히고 있어 천호대로 북단에서 Walker Hill 방향으로 우회하여 구리시로 진입하여 경춘가도로 진입하여 6 국도로 향했다. 토평IC 통해 강변으로 나와서 예정했던 6 국도를 타고 달렸다. 모처럼 시원하게 뚫린 국도를 따라 같이 뻗쳐 있는 남한강을 바라보며 양평을 거쳐 홍천과 횡성으로 분기되는 지점까지 2시간 정도 달렸다. 근처에 휴게소가 있어 잠간 쉬고 뒤에 17:00 홍천으로 가는 도로로 들어섰다. 왕복 4차선 국도가 2차선으로 좁은 도로가 되었지만 차량은 전혀 없었다. 우리가 달렸던 6 국도는 1951 2 당시 한강남단으로부터 양평/지평을 거쳐 횡성으로 전진하고자 했던 목표 전진선이었는데 당시 중공군은 화력이 우수한 미군을 상대하기에는 서부전선보다 중부전선이 유리하다 판단했고 홍천을 중심으로 횡성, 원주 충주를 거쳐 대구로 진격하는 목표를 갖고 있었다.

National Road No. 6, which runs east from the riverside of Gangbyeonbuk-ro, was still blocked at 15:00 on November 14, 2020, so we took a detour from the northern end of the road of Cheonho-daero toward Walker Hill, entered the city of Guri, entered the road of Gyeongchun, and headed toward National Road No. 6. We came out to the riverside through the IC of Topyeong and took National Road No. 6 as planned. We drove for about two hours through Yangpyeong to the point where it branches into Hongcheon and Hoengsong, looking at the the river of Namhan-gang stretching along the long-open national road. There was a rest area nearby, so after resting for a while, we took the road to Hongcheon around 17:00. The four-lane national road became a narrow two-lane road, but there were no cars at all. National Road No. 6, which we ran on, was the target line of advance drawn from the southern end of the Han-gang through Yangpyeong/Chipyong to Hoengsong in February 1951. At that time, the Chinese Forces judged that the central front was more advantageous than the western front to deal with the US Force which had superior firepower. The goal was to advance from Hongcheon to Taegu through Hoengsong, Wonju and Chungju.

홍천에 다다를 무렵 횡성군 산야는 어두움이 짖게 깔려 주행하는 도로상에 들짐승이 튀어 나올까봐 조심해야 정도였다. 그러나 탐사지역인 횡성군 학담리를 탐방하기 위해서는 샛길로 들어서 당시 21지원부대 소속인 3대대( 2사단 3연대) 주둔지인 학담리를 확인하였다. 지역은 북쪽 홍천으로부터 삼마치, 창봉리를 거쳐 횡성으로 이어지는 6 국도와 합류되는 곳이었다. 3대대는 한국군 후방에서 지원부대에 배치되었던 1대대와 같이 후방을 방어하는 임무를 띄고 있었는데 학담리가 북쪽과 남쪽을 동시에 방어할 있는 전략적 거점으로 생각되었다.

By the time, we reached Hongcheon, the mountains and fields of Hoengsong were so dark that we had to be careful about wild animals running out on the roads. However, in order to explore Hakdam-ri, Hoengsong, we took a side road and checked Hakdam-ri, the garrison of the US 3rd Battalion (the 3rd Regiment of 2nd Division), which was part of the 21st Support Unit at the time. This area was the confluence of National Road No. 6, which leads to Hoengseong in the south, and roads leading from Hongcheon to Sammachi and Changbong-ri in the north. The U.S. 3rd Battalion was tasked with defending the rear along with the 1st Battalion, which had joined the 21st U.S. Support Unit behind the Korean Forces, and Hakdam-ri was thought to be a strategic base that could defend both the north and the south at the same area.

War Remain 책지에 실렸던 횡성의 죽음의 골짜기(Massacre Valley) 정경이며 여기에서 2틀간 많은 2사단 장병들이 피를 흘렸다.

The below photograph depicts a scene of the Massacre Valley in Hoengsong, which was featured in the book of War Remain. Many soldiers of the US 2nd Division shed blood for two days here.

당시 21지원대는 삼마치로 이어지는 오음산 남단의 창봉리 도로변 주변에 주둔하며 국군을 후방 지원하고 있었는데 남쪽의 3대대와는 5km 떨어져 있었다. 현재 도로변은 횡성까지 내리막길이 이어지는 길로 확장되어 있고 주변에 휴게소가 있었다. 11 심야에 국군 8사단 3 연대 전선이 붕괴되면서 중공군 침투조가 후방으로 침투하여 학담리 미군 지원대를 기습하였기에 일부 1대대의 자체방어에도 불구하고 피해가 컸다물론 시간이 경과한 8사단장은 전방의 연대장은 후퇴하되 그들의 상황을 지원부대에 전하고 학담리로 후퇴하라 전하였지만 이미 중공군에 의해 횡성으로 향하는 길목은 완전 차단되어 있는 상황이었고 공포에 질려 후퇴하는 국군 패잔병과 차량으로 퇴로를 가득 채우고 있어 지원부대는 야포 그들의 중장비를 이동하기 불가한 혼란한 상황이 되었다.

At that time, the US 21st Support Unit was stationed along the Changbong-ri road at the southern end of Oeum-san leading to the pass of Sammachi and providing rear support to the ROK Forces and was 5km away from the US 3rd Battalion to the south. Currently, this roadside has been expanded to go downhill to Hoengeong, and there are rest areas nearby. In the middle of the night on the Feb. 11th, 1951, as the front line of the three regiments of ROK 8th Division collapsed, a Chinese Infiltration Unit infiltrated the rear and surprised the U.S. Support Unit in Hakdam-ri, causing significant damage despite the self-defense of some of the US 1st Battalion. Of course, after a few hours, the commander of the South Korean Regiment at the front retreated under the order of the 8th South Korean Division Commander asking their frontline situation to be delivered to the US Support Troops, retreating to Hakdam-ri. But the road to Hoengsong was already completely blocked by the Chinese, and the retreat route was filled with the remnants of the South Koreans and their vehicles, creating a chaotic situation in which it was impossible for the U.S. Supporting Unit to move heavy U.S. military equipment, such as field artillery.

12 새벽에 21지원대는 우리가 탐방했던 학담리까지 겨우 탱크를 앞세우고 오음산 자락인 창봉천과 금계천이 합류하는 지점( 공근중학교 근처) 다리를 중심으로 중공군의 탄막 포위를 가까스로 뚫고서 합류할 있었으나 새벽부터 오전 횡성까지 후퇴하는 길목은 외길로서 완전히 차단되었고 도로에 연한 나지막한 야산은 중공군이 완전 차지하고 있어 비극적인 학살의 계곡이 되고 말았다. 중공군은 한국군 1 사단에 대응하여 4 사단(중공군 3 군단에서 차출된 사단) 동원되었기에 퇴로가 막힌 한국군 행렬과 늦게 출발한 미군 지원대는 무거운 중장비를 끌면서 협곡에서 후퇴를 시도하였고 합류한 1 3대대가(일부 국군 패잔병 합류) 도로변에서 엄호를 시도하고 야포를 직사로 발포하며 애를 썼지만 압도적인 중공군의 집중 화력에 노출되어 계곡에서 희생당할 수밖에 없었다. 이때 횡성에서 구출작전을 위해 횡성에 있던 탱크소대와 연대본부 방어부대까지 투입하였으나 횡성천 북방에서 중공군에게 저지당하였고 자체 방어부대인 3대대가 후방에 남아 탈출을 엄호하는 동안 원주의 사단 예비대를 구원부대로 추가 투입 퇴로를 확보하고자 시도했으나 역시 중공군에 의해 격퇴되었다.

In the early morning of the 12th, the 21st Support Unit barely managed to break through the barrage encirclement of the Chinese Forces centered on the bridge at the confluence of Changbong-cheon and Geumgye-cheon at the foot of Oeum-san (near the current Gonggeun Middle School) with tanks in front of Hakdam-ri, where we visited. However, after this, the retreat route from dawn to morning to Hoengsong was completely blocked as a single road, and the low hills adjacent to the road were occupied by the Chinese Troops, turning into a valley of tragic massacre. As the Chinese army mobilized 4 divisions (each division drawn from the 3 corps of the Chinese Forces) in response to the 1 division of the ROK, the ROK Forces and the US Support Unit which departed later, while the retreat route was completely blocked, attempted to retreat from the valley, dragging heavy equipment. The 1st and US 3rd Battalions (joined by some ROK Remnants) which joined into the U.S. Supporting Unit attempted to cover the breakout along the road and fired direct artillery, but they were exposed to the overwhelming firepower of the Chinese and had no choice but to be sacrificed in the valley. At this time, a U.S. Tank Platoon and a part of U.S. Regimental Headquarter Defense Battalion of Dutch Force which stationed in Hoengsong were deployed for a rescue operation in Hoengsong, but they were stopped by the Chinese Force, north of the creek of Hoengsong, and while the U.S. 3rd Battalion, its own defense infantry of the supporting unit, remained in the rear to manage covering the escape, the U.S. Division Reserve Unit in Wonju was urgently dispatched as a relief unit. An attempt was made to secure a retreat route, but it was also repulsed by the Chinese Force.

당시 횡성은 38연대 지휘본부가 설치되어 화란의 오우덴 중령 대대가 방호하고 있었고 들의 분투에 의해서 미군을 격파한 북방의 중공군이 횡성으로 진입하는 것을 막을 있었다. 오우덴 중령의 기념비가 횡성의 동남측 새말IC(횡성제2농공단지)근처 우항리에 설치되어 있다. 또한 횡성군청 당시 화란군 주둔지에고 백선엽 장군이 설치한 오우덴 중령 추모비가 서있다. 결과적으로 국군 8사단과 3사단(8사단 우측 주둔) 횡성 북방 삼마치 고개와 연한 전선에서 후방으로 퇴각할 때까지 10000명이 희생되었고 그들의 야포와 장비를 포기했으며 미군 지원대는 늦게 후퇴하다가 횡성 학살의 계곡에서 1900명이 희생되었으며 화란군도 횡성읍내에서 100명이 전사하였고 역시 많은 장비를 손실하였다.

At that time, the command center of the US 38th Regiment was established in Hoengsong, which was guarded by the Dutch Lieutenant Colonel Ouden's Battalion, and through their efforts, they were able to prevent the Chinese Forces from the north, which had defeated the US Force, from entering Hoengsong. This monument to Lt. Col. Ouden is installed in Uhang-ri near the IC of Saemal (Hoengsong 2nd Agricultural and Industrial Complex) on the southeastern side of Hoengsong. In addition, there is a memorial monument to Lieutenant Colonel Ouden installed by General Paik Sun-yup at the then Dutch Force Garrison within Hoengsong County Office. As a result, the ROK 8th and 3rd Divisions (right front of the 8th) retreated from the pass of Sammachi and the horizontal front in northern Hoengsong to the rear, sacrificing about 10,000 men and giving up their field artillery and equipment, and the U.S. Support Force retreated late and was captured in the Valley of Massacre near Hoengsong with result of 1,900 people killed. 100 soldiers of the Dutch Force were killed in the downtown of Hoengsong, and they also lost a lot of equipment.

너무도 손실에 대한 조사과정에서 해당 10군단장의 진술(21지원대장의 오판으로 학담리에서 후퇴 지체) 여러 지휘관들의 판단문제가 거론되었으나 결국 횡성의 학살극은 국군의 패주와 그에 따른 후방 미군 지원부대에 대한 상황전달이나 후퇴명령 결여로 밝혀졌다. 리지웨이 8 사령관은 사건 다음과 같은 지침을 하달하였다 한다. “아군의 장비와 물자를 적에게 내어 주거나 유기하는 행위는 용서받을 없으며 그런 일이 발생하는 경우 모든 관련 장교들에게 엄중하게 책임을 물을 것이다.”

During the investigation into the extremely large losses, the testimony of the U.S. 10th Corps Commander (a misjudgment due to the commander of US 21st Supporting Unit's delay in Hakdam-ri) and the judgment issues of several field commanders were discussed, but in the end, the massacre at Hoengsong was caused by the rout of the ROK Forces. It was revealed that there was no communication of the situation or order to retreat for the subsequent US Support Unit in the rear, due to the rout. Ridgway, Commander of the 8th Army, reportedly issued the following instruction after this incident: “The act of handing over or abandoning friendly forces’ equipment and supplies to the enemy is unforgivable, and if such an incident occurs, all officers involved would be held strictly accountable.”

지역은 영어교사였던 Jeffrey Miller 2011 지역에서 희생된 미군들과 그들이 흘린 피에 의해 영감을 얻어 War Remain이라는 전쟁소설을 쓰면서 배경으로 삼았던 지역이고 후에 주한미군으로 복무 책을 읽고 자발적으로 영어 교사를 택했던 Daniel Morris 2011 9월과 12 학살의 계곡을 탐방하여 당시 미군들이 썼던 수류탄, 동전, 탄피와 소총 부품 등을 발굴하였다.  

This area was used as the background by Jeffrey Miller, an English Teacher, when he wrote a war novel called ‘War Remain’ in 2011, inspired by the American Soldiers who sacrificed their lives in this area and the blood they shed. Daniel Morris later read the book while serving as a U.S. soldier in Korea. Mr. Morris, who voluntarily chose to become an English Teacher in Korea, visited the Valley of Massacre in September and December 2011 and unearthed grenades, coins, shell casings, and rifle parts used by U.S. soldiers at the time.

아래 사진은 Jeffrey Miller 집필한 War Remains 보여준다.

The photography shows a coverlet of the book of War Remains written by Jeffrey Miller.  

아래 사진은 Daniel Morris 탐방하여 발굴한 미군 유품을 보여준다.

The photograph below depicts the war remains unearthed by English Teacher Daniel Morris in 2011.  

생각해보면 자유 대한민국 어느 지역 어느 장소에 미국과 미군과의 인연이 없는 데가 없으며 이억만리 태평양 건너 번도 듣지도 가보지도 않은 나라와 국민을 위해 오로지 자유민주주의 수호를 위한 기독교 입국론에 입각한 미합중국의 부름에 호응하여 많은 미국의 젊은이가 한반도에서 피를 흘렸고 이러한 희생을 바탕으로 세계 최강 미국과 한미상호방위협정이 체결되어 우리는 공산주의로부터 구가안보에 대한 보호를 받아왔고 경제적으로 성장하였고 개인적 신앙의 자유와 인권, 그리고 정치적으로 자유 민주주의를 향유하여 오고 있다

If we think about it, there is no place in the free Republic of Korea that does not have a connection with the United States and the U.S. Forces, and it is the call of the United States to American young men, based on the Christian belief, solely to protect the free democracy for a country and people that had never heard of or visited across the Pacific Ocean. In response, many Americans shed their blood on the Korean Soil, and based on these sacrifices, the R.O.K. & U.S.A. Mutual Defense Agreement was concluded with the world's most powerful country, and we have received protection for our national security from communism, grown economically, and gained personal freedom of religion, human rights, and politically, we have been enjoying the free democracy.

시간이 18:00 되어서 너무 어두웠기에 창봉리 추가적인 탐방은 미루고 횡성 읍내에 들어가 식사하기로 하였다. 작은 마을인 만큼 군청근처에 식당이 있을 것으로 판단하였고 차를 주차한 후에 식당을 둘러보았고 근처 횡성한우 전문점이 있어 뚝배기불고기로 식사를 하니 20:00 되었다. 때는 고속도로를 타기로 하고 황성 IC 진입 중앙고속도로를 타고 서남 측으로 주행하다 신평JC에서 광주/원주간 2영동고속도로를 타고 동서울 방향으로 주행 서하남 IC 빠져나오니 21:30 되었다. 

It was 18:00 and it was very dark, so we decided to postpone further explorations such as Changbong-ri and go into Hoengseong town to have a meal. As it is a small town, I thought there would be a restaurant near the county office, so I parked the car and looked around the restaurant. There was a restaurant famous for Hoengseong Korean Beef nearby, so I had a meal of Ttukbaegi Bulgogi at 20:00. When coming, I decided to take the highway, entered the IC of Hoengsong, took the Jungang Expressway to the southwest, and from the Junction of Shinpyeong JC, took the Gwangju & Wonju Yeongdong Expressway 2 toward the East Seoul. It was 21:30 when I exited from the IC of West Hanam, near my house.


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