One day trip for reminding of Hongsong & Hoesong battle in Feb. 1950.

Yesterday we drove to Yangpyong, Hongsong, Hoengsong and Jipyong from 0830 to 2030. The main destinstion were Sammachi hill where the 6 division of Korean army under the US 10th corp were destroyed totally by Chinese in Feb. 1951, Jipyong'battle memorial hall  recently constructed and the JIPYONG  Soy Bean Paste  center. We took a lunch and  walk along the ecosystem trail in the Sammachi hill. It took the 3 hours to drive the road via Yangpyong, Nammyon and Hongsong, but it took less to drive the 2nd Yongding express way after entering into Daeshin IC southward from Jipyong. We had a dinner at the Kwangju service area. The hall manager briefed us of the background of the hall establishment and showed his photographs in which the US commanders were invited.


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