Exploration of the place of Wonju Battle in central front on Feb. 2nd, 1951. 1951년 2월 중동부 전선의 원주지구 전투지 탐방기(2023.5.2-3)
625 동란에서 미군이 중동부 전선의 원주를 사수하기 위해 싸웠던 상황이 늘 굼금하였다. 1951년 2월 지평리에서 인해전술로 공격해 오는 중공군을 미 2사단 23연대가 필사적으로 격퇴하여 다시 서울을 수복하고 북진을 하게 된 사항과 관련되어 원주전투가 같은 미 2사단에 의해 같은 시기에 발생했기에 더욱 굼굼하였다. 즉 인해전술로 공격해 오는 원주전투에 대한 부담이 있는데 어떻게 1개 연대를 빼내어 지평을 점령하게 하였으며 왜 지평에서 원주까지는 중공군이 활개치는 독무대가 되었는가 등이다. 그 동안 서부전선의 임진강 주변에서 벌어졌던 영국 29여단의 감악산 설마리(Gloster) 고지, 사창리에서 국군 6사단이 붕괴되었을 때 춘천 북단 북한강에서 그리고 휴전을 앞에 두고 서부전선 끝단에서 분투한 미 해병대에 대하여 비교적 잘 파악하고 있었으나 원주전투는 당시 상황이 잘 파악되지 않았기에 이번 2023년 5월 2일부터 3일가지 1박 2일로 탐방을 실시하게 되었다.
During the Korean
War, there was a question on me how the U.S. and South Korean forces fought to
defend the city of Wonju in the central & east front line. In February
1951, the U.S. 2nd Division's 23rd Regiment fiercely repelled the advancing
Chinese forces, recapturing Seoul and advancing north. The situation of the battle
of Wonju became even more intricate as it coincided with the battle of Chipyong-ni
all within a similar timeframe. The questions about how one regiment was
withdrawn from the U.S. 2nd Division to occupy Chipyong-ni and why
the area from Jiphyeon to Wonju turned into an area dominant of Chinese Forces was
raised. While there was relatively good understanding of the actions of the
British 29th Brigade's defense on Gloster Hill near the river of Imjin-gang and
the collapse of the South Korean 6th Division at Sachang-ri, as well as the
struggles of the U.S. Marine Division at the central front line and the westernmost
line before the armistice near the northern riverside of Han-gang, the battle
of Wonju remained less understood. Therefore, a two-day exploration was
conducted from May 2 to May 3, 2023, to gain better insights into the battle of
먼저 원주전투의 배경에 대해 크게 다음과 같이 정리해 본다. 미군과 국군이 북진 후에 중공군 참전에 따라 전 전선에서 후퇴를 하여 1951년 1월 4일 서울을 포기하고 평택에서 원주를 경유 주문진까지 밀린 상태에서 미 8군 사령관은 전선을 재 정비하여 원주부터 동해안까지는 국군 2/3군단과 1군단이 맡고 서부전선은 미군이 주력을 맡도록 하였다. 그러나 북진 시 전력손실에 따라 취약해진 국군의 전력으로 중동부전선의 방어가 불가능하여 부산에서 재 정비중인 미 10군단을 긴급하게 투입되게 되었고 미 8군의 유일한 예비 사단이었던 미 2사단이 10군단에 합류하게 되었다. 특히 원주는 중공군과 북한군이 합동으로 공격하여 돌파한 후 서부전선의 후방 및 대구로 진격하고자 했기에 긴급 투입된 미군과 치열한 공방전이 원주와 문막지구에서 전개되었다.
First, let's summarize the
background of the battle of Wonju. Following the northward advance of the U.S.
and South Korean Forces, a general retreat occurred across the entire front
line due to the involvement of Chinese Forces in January 1951. On January 4th, the
city of Seoul was abandoned, and as the forces were pushed from Pyeongtaek via city of Wonju and further to the city of Jumunjin,
the commander of the U.S. Eighth Army reorganized the front line. From Wonju to
the East Coast, the South Korean Corps were assigned, while the U.S. Forces
took charge of the western front line. However, weakened by losses during the
northward advance, the South Korean Forces were vulnerable, making it
impossible to defend the central & east front line. In response, the
urgently U.S. 10th Corps, which was undergoing rehabilitation in Pusan, was
hastily deployed. The only reserve division of the U.S. Eighth Army, the 2nd
Infantry Division, joined the 10th Corps. Particularly in Wonju, a joint attack
by Chinese and North Korean Forces aimed to advance southward through Wonju and
towards the flank of the western front and the city of Taegu. Consequently,
fierce defensive battles were taken place in Wonju and the Munmak region with
the U.S. force urgently deployed.
1950년 12월 말 교통사고로 사망한 Walker 미 8군 사령관의 후임인 Ridgway 장군의 명령으로 1951년 1월 Wolf-hound 작전을 실시하여 서부전선에서 수원까지 수복해 나갈 때 중동부 전선의 미군과 국군은 원주지구에서 중공군의 공격을 격퇴하고 2월에 서울을 우회 포위하고 38선으로 진격하고자 Round-up 작전을 실시하였다. 이 작전은 미 10군단장 Almond 장군의 지휘하에 있었으나 10군단 미군 병력은 원산에서 장진호까지 북진했던 미 해병대가 중/동부 전선 후방으로 침투하여 미군과 국군의 보급을 교란하고 있던 북한군을 섬멸하는 작전을 하고 있고 미 7사단이 아직 부산에서 북진 시 전력손실 때문에 재 정비하는 중에 있었다. 따라서 Almond는 미 187 공수연대를 추가 지원받고 미 2사단과 국군 3사단, 5사단 및 8사단을 활용하여 공격작전을 수행하였고 원주에서 횡성을 거쳐 홍천을 향해 진격하고 있었으나 역시 북진 시 전력이 약화된 국군 8사단이 1951년 2월 횡성 북방 삼마치 고개에서 중공군의 기습적인 인해전술 공격으로 붕괴되면서 패퇴하였고 국군의 후방을 지원하던 미 2사단 21 지원대 역시 횡성으로 후퇴하던 중에 포위되어 큰 희생을 초래하였고 이 횡성의 후퇴로는 후에 학살의 계곡(Massacre Valley)으로 남게 되었다.
In late December 1950, following
the death of General Walker, the commander of the U.S. Eighth Army, due to a
traffic accident, General Ridgway, his successor, initiated the Operation
Wolfhound in January 1951 to reclaim territory on the western front line up to the
city of Suwon. Meanwhile, on the central and east front line, U.S. and South
Korean Forces in the Wonju area fought off Chinese Attacks. In February, they
conducted the operation of Round-up with the aim of bypassing Seoul, encircling
the city, and advancing towards the 38th parallel. General Almond, commanding
the U.S. 10th Corps, led this operation. However, the U.S. Forces of the 10th
Corps had the Marine Corps, which had advanced north from the city of Wonsan to
the reservoir Changjin on the rear of the central/eastern front line, engaged
in disrupting North Korean Forces disturbing the supply lines of U.S. and South
Korean Forces in the area of Kyungsangbuk-do. The U.S. 7th Division was still
in the process of reorganizing in Pusan due to losses suffered during the
northward advance. In response, General Almond received additional support force,
the U.S. 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team. Utilizing the U.S. 2nd Division
and the South Korean 3rd, 5th, and 8th Divisions, an offensive operation was
carried out. The forces advanced from Wonju through Hwacheon towards Hongcheon.
However, the weakened South Korean 8th Division, moving north from Hwacheon,
collapsed in a surprise attack by the Chinese Forces at the pass of Sammachi,
north of Hoengsong, in February 1951. The U.S. 2nd Division's Service Team,
which was supporting the rear of the South Korean Forces, also withdrew towards
Hoengsong and was surrounded, resulting in significant casualties. The retreat route
toward Hoengsong later became known as the Massacre Valley.
이 때에 미 2사단은 지평리와 원주에서 거침없이 인해전술로 공격해 오는 중공군을 맞아 극한의 추위와 쌓인 눈속에서 전투를 치르게 되었고 중공군과 북한군은 미 10군단의 중부전선으로 침투하여 서부전선의 미군과 동부전선의 국군을 갈라 놓은 후 각개 섬멸하며 동시에 이미 침투한 북한군과 합동으로 서부전선 후방으로 진격하여 미군을 한반도에서 완전하게 축출하고자 기도하였다.
During this time, the
U.S. 2nd Division faced relentless attacks from the Chinese Forces using the tactic
of human wave at Chipyong-ni and Wonju. Engaging in combat amidst extreme cold
and heavy snow, the division confronted the harsh conditions. The Chinese and
North Korean Forces penetrated the central front of the U.S. 10th Corps,
infiltrating into the flank of the western front and cutting the connection off
between the U.S. Forces in the west and the South Korean Forces in the east.
Subsequently, they sought to annihilate each unit individually and,
simultaneously, collaborated with the already infiltrated North Korean Forces
to advance towards the rear of the western front. Their ultimate goal was to
completely expel the U.S. Forces from the Korean Peninsula.
이번 탐방은 1951년 2월 횡성을 돌파한 중공군이 지평리와 원주를 점령하고자 시도하던 상황에서 미 2사단이 원주를 탈환하고자 원주 남측의 전략적 요충지인 봉화산으로부터 427고지(배부른산으로 추정)까지 공격한 능선과 북서측으로부터 흘러오는 섬강에 중공군이 숲으로 위장한체 대열을 갖추고 문막으로 남하하는 것에 대하여 집중 포격을 가한 고수부지를 탐방하는 것이었다.
This exploration
focused on the strategic high ground south of Wonju, specifically from the
mountain summit of Bonghwa-san to the presumed 427th hill (believed to be the
mountain summit of Baebureun-san), as the U.S. 2nd Division sought to recapture
the city of Wonju from the Chinese Forces attempting to occupy Chipyong-ni and
Wonju in February 1951. The U.S. 2nd Division launched an offensive along the
ridgeline extending from Bonghwasan to the 427th hill, and simultaneously
targeted a key defensive position where the Chinese Forces, disguised in the
forest along the river Som-gang flowing from the northwest, advanced southward
towards Munmak. The objective was to explore the riverside of Som-gang where
concentrated artillery fire was directed against the Chinese Forces attempting
to infiltrate and move southwards.
탐방 1일차 아침 0900 출발하여 6번 국도를 타고 남한강을 따라 동진하여 양평을 거쳐 용문휴계소에서 잠간 쉬고 노가삼거리까지 달린 후 345번 지방도를 타고 남진하여 양동을 거쳐 원주의 간현관광지에 1200 도착하였다. 원래는 345번 지방도를 타고 가다가 1951년 2월 지평리 전투 때 미 23연대가 위력정찰을 하면서 중공군과 격전을 했던 지평리 동측의 고송리를 탕방할까 했는데 위치를 찾지 못하여 포기하였다.
On the first day of
the exploration, the journey began at 9:00 AM, taking the route 6 and heading
east along the river Namhan-gang. After passing through Yangpyeong, a brief
rest was taken at the rest area of Yongmun, and then continued to Nogasam
Intersection. Took the route 345 to proceed south through Yangdong, arriving at
the tourist site of Ganhyun in Wonju by 12:00 PM. Originally, the plan was to drive
on the route 345 and to explore Gosong-ri on the east side of Chipyong-ni where
the U.S. 23rd Regiment conducted reconnaissance and engaged in combat with the
Chinese Force during the battle of Chipyong-ni in February 1951. However, the
location could not be identified, and the decision was made to abandon that
part of the exploration.
간현관광지는 소금산 Valley로 유명한데 이 지역은 북에서는 횡성으로부터 섬강이 흘러내려오고 북서쪽 양동에서 삼산천이 흘러와 만나는 지점에 있다. 따라서 이 지역은 원주지구 전투 때 문막을 방어하던 미 공수연대와 2사단 38연대 정면에 있었기에 섬강을 따라 대규모로 진격해 오던 중공군의 공격경로이기도 하여 관광을 겸하여 탐방지로 선택하였다.
The tourist site of Ganhyeon
is famous for the Salt Mountain Valley. This area is situated at the point
where the river of Som-gang flows down from Hoengsong in the north and the creek
of Samsan-cheon from Yangdong in the northwest converges each other. Therefore,
it served as a strategic location during the battle of Wonju, being directly in
front of the U.S. 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team and the 38th Regiment
of the U.S. 2nd Division, who were defending Munmak during the Wonju campaign.
Additionally, it was a significant route for the Chinese Forces advancing in
large numbers along the Som-gang during the battle. This historical context along
with its scenic beauty made it an ideal destination for exploration, combining
both tourism and exploration.
주차장 옆 팔각정 원두막에서 준비해온 도시락으로 식사를 마치고 1300에 출발했다. 소금산은 330 고지에 연결된 출렁다리와 절벽을 아찔하게 휘어 감는 철째 보도와 울렁다리가 볼만했다. 5월의 햇볕이지만 높은 계단을 오르며 땀이 났으나 절벽에 붙어있는 보도와 높은 현수교를 건널 때 바람이 불어 더위를 잊게 해 주었다. 9 km에 이르는 시설을 돌아 나오는데 3시간 정도 소용되었으며 삼산천변 야영장 밑으로 식당과 Coffee Shop이 즐비하였고 특이하게도 산지에서 수확했는지 표고버섯을 많이 팔고 있었다. 관광지 입구에서 무명가수가 김정호의 하얀나비 등 흘러간 가요를 노래를 하기도 하였기에 앞에 앉아서 들었는데 현금이 없어서 주변 Ice Cream 가게에서 Vanilla Cone을 사서 먹고 모금함에 Tip을 넣기도 했다.
After finishing the
meal prepared at house, in the octagonal pavilion next to the parking lot, the
exploration resumed at 1:00 PM. The mountain of Salt Mountain showcased a
thrilling suspension bridge connected to the 330-meter-high peak with winding
footpaths gracefully hugged the cliffs. Despite the May sunshine, climbing the
steep stairs induced a few sweating, but the breeze while traversing the
footpath, crossing high suspension bridges attached to the cliffs helped to
forget the heat. The tour covered about 9 km of trails took approximately three
hours to complete. Near the creek of Samsan-cheon campground, there were many
restaurants and coffee shops. Interestingly, many were selling wild mushrooms
presumably harvested from the mountains. At the entrance of the tourist site,
an unknown singer performed popular songs including Kim JungHo's ‘White
Butterfly.’ I and my wife sat down to listen, and since I didn't have cash, I
bought a Vanilla Cone from a nearby ice cream shop and exchanged some cashes
for the unknown singer’s tip my wife asked me to give
출렁다리는 협곡에 높은 봉우리를 가로질러 설치되고 좌우 Guide Wire 및 바닥 Grating을 통해 계곡 바닥이 보여서 사람들의 걸음에 따른 진동으로 상하로 움직일 때 공포감이 있으나 울렁다리는 길지만 좌우로 움직임이 적어 통과할 때 안정감이 있었다.
The suspension bridge spanned across the canyon, connecting high peaks
on either side. It was equipped with guide wires on both sides and a grating on
the floor, allowing a view of the canyon floor beneath. As people walked, the
bridge swayed vertically, creating a sense of fear due to the vibrations
induced by people’s footsteps. On the other hand, the swinging motion of the
bridge was limited, providing stability and a reassuring feeling to cross.
소금산에서는 섬강은 볼 수 없으나 삼산천이 아찔하게 내려다 보이며 남쪽으로 섬강을 따라 서원주와 문막을 볼 수 있었다. 이 지역은 미군들이 원주를 탈환하기 위한 주요 접근로로 생각되었다. 따라서 소금산에서 섬강을 조망할 수 없기에 1600 소금산에서 하산하여 간현교 북측에 연하여 원주역으로 가는 옛 철교 주변을 확인하였다. 이 철교는 전투당시 미 2사단에 배속된 불란서 대대가 원주 공반전에서 후퇴할 때 폭파했던 것으로 지금은 사용되지 않고 아마도 원주 Rail Bike로 이용되지 않을까 생각한다.
Although the river of
Som-gang was not visible from the mountain of Salt, a breathtaking view of the creek
of Samsan-cheon can be viewed downward. To the south, the Som-gang can be
observed, flowing towards West Wonju and Munmak. This area was considered a
crucial approach for U.S. Forces aiming to recapture Wonju. Unable to view the river
of Som-gang from this mountain, I descended around 4:00 PM and explored the Som-gang
vicinity of the old railway bridge, to the north side of the railway bridge of Ganhyun
leading to Wonju Station. This railway bridge, during the Battle of Wonju, was
likely demolished when the French Battalion affiliated with the U.S. 2nd
Division retreated. I speculate that it may be revamped for the rail bike of Wonju
as an entertaining facility.
To investigate the location where around 20,000 Chinese troops disguised with tree branches descended during broad daylight in February 1951, marching courageously down from the riverside of the river of Som, I traveled north towards the West Wonju IC, and I crossed the bridge of Wolho at the Wolseong Intersection and parked my car on the riverside embankment, looking towards Munmak.
It is assumed that the Chinese Troops, intending to encircle the U.S. Forces in Heungyeop-ri, which connects, to the south, with Chungju and Jecheon, attacked the front of Wonju. They aimed to block the rear of the U.S. Forces stationed where the present-day the station of Wonju is located, urgently maneuvering through this riverside. It was fortunate that their movement was detected by U.S. Reconnaissance Planes. The U.S. 2nd Division, equipped with around 30 155mm howitzers and 100 105mm howitzers, had predicted the approaching route of the Chinese Forces and concentrated heavy artillery fire in this area.
1일차 관광 겸 탐방을 마치고 저녁을 먹기 위해 1700 Burger King Hamburger 가계를 찾아 주변의 원주혁신도시로 갔으나 회원 할인이 않되어 사전에 예약해둔 숙소가 가까운 남원주의 명륜동 가게로 가서 Hamburger로 저녁을 먹고 난 후 원주시청 뒤 감박산과 섬강사이 만종리의 숙소에서 1박을 하였다.
After completing the
first day of sightseeing and exploration, we looked for a Burger King at 5:00
PM to have dinner. we went to the nearby Innovation City of Wonju, but the
Burger King there did not accept the membership discount. As a result, I headed
to a Burger King in Myeongnyun-dong, South Wonju, near my pre-booked motel.
After enjoying a hamburger for dinner, We spent the night at a motel in
Manjong-ni located behind Wonju City Hall between the mountain of Gampak and
the river of Som-gang.
2일차 아침 0930 준비해온 귀리가루를 끓여서 먹고 1000 숙소를 출발하여 원주시청의 주차장에 도착하여 주차를 한 후 시청건물 뒤로 보이는 봉화산 자락으로 올라갔다. 이 산을 오르게 된 것은 원주전투 공반전을 벌일 때 당시 미 2사단이 427고지(현 배부른산)를 원주 시내 전체를 감제할 수 있는 전략적인 중요성으로 확보하고자 치열한 전투를 치렀기 때문인데 이 고지가 바로 봉화산과 같은 능선을 이루며 연결되어 있기 때문이다.
On the second day, we
boiled the prepared oatmeal powder for breakfast at 9:30 AM and left the motel
at 10:00 AM. We arrived at the parking lot of Wonju City Hall where I parked my
car. From there, we climbed up the foothills of the mountain of Bonghwa-san
which could be seen behind the city hall. The reason for ascending this
mountain was its strategic significance during the battle of Wonju when the
U.S. 2nd Division fiercely fought to secure the 427th Hill now believed to be the
mountain of Baebureun-san. This hill forming a ridge to the mountain of Bonghwa-san
was crucial for controlling the entire Wonju City, hence the intense battle was
fought to occupy by the U.S. 2nd Division.
이 산맥은 좌측에 섬강을 끼고 우측 원주시내를 끼며 남북으로 뻗쳐 있고 남측 끝단에 현 원주역이 있으며 섬강 넘어 문막공단이 있고 북측 끝단은 만종분기점이 있다. 우수한 기동력과 화력을 갖춘 미군의 입장에서 지형적으로 이 산맥의 위치가 전차 및 수송작전에 적합하였고 원주/문막을 확보한 상태에서 좌측의 여주와 우측의 평창을 전선으로 연결하고 남쪽으로 충주와 제천의 주요 병참보급선을 유지하며 북측으로 횡성/홍천으로 공격을 하기 위한 교두보가 되었음을 확인할 수 있었다. 특히 미 2사단 23연대가 홀로 원주에서 지평으로 이동하여 서부전선의 미 9군단과 연결하여 서울의 동측 길목을 확보하면서 서울 수복과 횡성/홍천으로 밀집된 중공군의 허리를 공격할 수 있는 거점을 지켜낸 것은 1951년 2월 원주를 지켰기 때문에 병력을 분산할 수 있었고 이 점을 Ridgway 장군은 잘 파악하고 있다가 즉시 경북에서 대 빨치산 작전을 하던 미 해병대에 의한 Killer작전을 개시하여 중공군의 반격을 예방하였다 생각이 든다.
The mountain range
runs along, on the left, with the Som-gang and borders the downtown of city on
the right, stretching north to south. At the southern end, there's the current
Wonju Station, and across the Som-gang, there is the Industrial Complex of Munmak.
At the northern end is Manjong Junction. With its excellent mobility and
firepower, the U.S. Force strategically positioned itself in this mountain
range. The terrain under the mountain was suitable for tank and transport
operations. After securing Wonju and Munmak, they could connect, to the left
side, with Yeoju and, to the right side, with Pyeongchang, establishing a front
line. Moreover, by maintaining key supply lines to Chungju and Jecheon in the
south and bridgehead attacking to the north towards Hoengsong and Hongcheon.
In particular, the
U.S. 2nd Division's 23rd Regiment, moving alone from Wonju to Chipyong-ni,
connected with the U.S. 9th Corps on the western front, securing the eastern
approach to the city of Seoul. This allowed them to defend the stronghold that
could attack the densely concentrated Chinese Forces in the eastern flank
between Seoul and Hoengsong and Hongcheon. This successful defense of Wonju in
February 1951 forced the Chinese to disperse. General Ridgway recognized this
and initiated the Killer Operation immediately conducted by the U.S. Marine Division
to prevent a Chinese Counteroffensive along the central front, calling on the
U.S. Marines to carry that mission while they had been initiating the suppression
operation of North Korean Guerrillas on the Gyungsangbuk-do.
한 겨울에 차가운 바람속에서 눈이 쌓여 미끄러운 산야를 오르고 내리며 이억만리 만리 바다건너 공산주의로부터 자유 대한민국을 지키기 위해 한 번도 본적이 없고 한 번도 만난적이 없는 사람들을 위해 달려왔던 파란 눈의 미국 젊은이들이 숨져간 이 고지와 능선을 타고 걸었다. 전체적으로 능선길 4 km 정도이며 시청까지 원점회귀에 4 km 정도로 1100 부터 1400까지 3시간 탐방하였다.
They walked along the
snowy ridges and slopes, climbing and descending the slippery mountain terrain
in the chilly winter wind. These American youths with blue eyes, who had never
seen or met the people they were protecting, traveled thousands of miles,
crossing Pacific Ocean, to defend the Republic of Korea from communist. We hiked
the hills and ridges where these brave soldiers lost their lives. The overall exploration
trail was about 4 km along the ridges, and the return journey to the city hall
took approximately 4 km, resulting in a 3-hour from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
During the hike, a
break was taken at the peak of each Gambak-san and Baebureun-san, with a cup of
coffee and some snacks. As a result, the descent wasn't completed until around
3:00 PM. To combine a late lunch and dinner, we were in a nearby restaurant and
have a dish of Bossam (boiled pork slices served with kimchi and other
condiments which distinctive feature was
the presentation of kimchi rolled up.
After finishing the
meal around 5:00 PM, there was a decision to return to Seoul either via the
national highway, passing through Yangdong and Yangpyeong, or taking the second
Yeongdong Expressway from the West Wonju. Opting for the expressway proved to
be a time-saving choice, taking about half of the time compared to the national
highway. By taking the expressway, the return to Seoul was completed at 7:00
PM, concluding the exploration.
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