Exploration of the Battle Place of Wonju Turning Korean War to Victory 한국전의 승기를 되찾게 한 원주 전투지 탐방기

2021.7.5 2021.7.7 일간 양평군 영동쪽으로 남하하여 원주를 방문 1951.1-2 10군단 산하 2사단의 중공군과의 전투지를 탐방했다.

On July 5 and July 7, 2021, I and my wife drove southward from Yangpyeong County towards the Yongdong and visit the battlefields between the U.S. 10th Corps’ 2nd Division and the Chinese Forces during January-February 1951 in the city of Wonju.

점심을 집에서 먹고 정오 출발하여 강변북로를 타고 가다가 남한강을 따라 6 국도를 타고 양평을 지나 광탄을 지나 양동면으로 나가는 이정표를 보고 남하하여 조금 달려가니 dusty hue golf course 고송리 이정표가 보여 고송1 마을회관으로 들러가 차를 세운 지도상에 표시된 지평면으로 연결된 도로 유무를 확인하고자 했다.

After having lunch at home and departing around noon, I took the riverside road of Gangbyeonbuk-ro and followed the river of Namhan-gang along National Route 6. Passing through Yangpyeong and Gwangtan, I saw a sign indicating the way to Yangdong-myeon. Heading south, I drove a little further and came across a sign for the Dusty Hue Golf Course and Kosong-ri. I decided to stop at the hall of Kosong-ri 1 village, parked the car, and wanted to check whether the road was connected to the Chipyong-ni, as marked on the map, or not.

                            Road to Chipyong-ny from Town Hall of Kosong-ri 1

그러나 도로는 을왕리 매립장으로 인해 실제 폐쇄된 상태였기에 원주전투와 같은 시점에서 지평전투지로 접근이 불가함을 알았다. 1951.2 지평에서 중공군 공세가 있기 전에 23연대장은 주변지역을 정찰하여 중공군의 동향을 파악하여 선제적으로 타격을 하고자 하였고 전차를 앞세운 정찰대가 바로 고송리를 향해 진격하다가 근처 을왕리 매립장으로 추정되는 계곡에 집중포격을 실시한바가 있었다.

However, I realized that the road was actually closed due to the Eulwang-ri landfill site, making it impossible to approach the battle place of Chipyong-ni by car from the same point as the Wonju Battle. In February 1951, just before the intense Chinese Offensive in Chipyong-ni, the commander of the U.S. 23rd Infantry Regiment sought to preemptively strike by scouting the surrounding area to assess the status of the Chinese Forces. A reconnaissance unit, led by tanks, advanced towards Kosong-ri, but encountered with Chinese, initiating a concentrated artillery fire in a valley believed to be the Eulwang-ri landfill site.

                             The 23rd Regiment's Reconnaissance Operation Map  

다시 섬강으로 합류하는 삼산천을 따라 남하하여 주행을 하니 양동면과 양동역을 지나 섬강에 연한 간현관광지에 도착하니 2 30분이었다. 관광지를 잠깐 둘러보며 2014 퇴직 겨울철에 친구들과 주변 oak valley resort 놀러 왔다가 관광지의 수려한 절벽을 보며 감탄했던 기억이 나기도 했다. 섬강은 1951 2 2 사단규모의 중공군이 횡성에서 떼를 지어 강을 따라 이동해 오다 미군의 포격으로 강물이 핏빛으로 물들었다는 곳이다.

Driving south along the creek of Samsan-cheon flowed into the river of Som-gang, I arrived at the beautiful Ganhyeon Tourist Site after passing through Yangdong-myeon and Yangdong Station, and it was 2:30 PM. Taking a brief tour of the site, memories flashed back to the winter of 2014 when, after retiring, I had come here with friends to enjoy the surroundings of Oak Valley Resort. I remembered being impressed by the stunning cliffs at this tourist site. The Som-gang is known for an event that occurred in February 1951 when a herd of Chinese Forces, equivalent to two divisions, moved along the river from Hoengsong. The river turned blood-red due to the shelling by the U.S. Force.

이들은 횡성 북방의 삼마치 고개에서 10군단 산하의 국군사단과 후방 지원대를 포위 섬멸한 원주를 향해 대담하게 이동 중에 일어난 사건이었다. 당시 중공군은 round-up 작전을 전개하던 10군단 산하의 국군사단과 2사단을 공격하여 원주와 지평리를 동시에 점령하고 14후퇴 북진하던 서부전선의 미군을 후방으로 접근하여 포위하여 섬멸하며 한편으로 대구로 바로 공격을 기도하였다.

These events occurred daringly as they moved towards Wonju after surrounding and annihilating the South Korean Divisions and the rear U.S. Support Units under the U.S. 2nd Division at the pass of Samma-chi in the northern part of Hoengsong. At that time, the Chinese Forces launched a major attack on the South Korean Divisions and the U.S. 2nd Division under the U.S. 10th Corps conducting the "Round-up" Operation. They aimed to occupy Wonju and Chipyong-ni simultaneously, attempting to approach the rear of the advancing U.S. Forces after the Evacuation of January 4th, encircling to annihilate the U.S. Forces on the western front, and initiating a direct attack toward the city of Taegu.양식의

태장동에 있는 충헌탑을 둘러보고 휴전 세웠다는 원주지구 전투전적지를 확인하고자 횡성방향으로 이동하였으니 전투기념비는 찾을 없었고 주민센터에 확인하니 현재는 폐쇄된 상태라고 알려 주었다. 전투에서 전사한 국군, 2사단, Netherland, France 전몰장병을 추모하는 시설을 없어 아쉬웠다.

After exploring the Memorial Monument in Taejang-dong and seeking to verify the memorial monument site of the Wonju Battle, erected immediately after the armistice, I moved towards Hoengsong. Unfortunately, I could not find the war memorial commemorating the fallen soldiers from the Korean Army, the U.S. 2nd Division, Netherlands, and France who sacrificed their lives in this battle. Upon checking with the local community center, I was informed that the memorial was currently closed. It was disappointing not to see a facility honoring those who bravely lost their lives in the conflict.

                              The Memorial Monument Site of The Wonju Battle

지평전투에서 압도적으로 공격해 중공군을 격퇴한 23연대와 Freedman 대령의 leadership 이해하는데 필요한 원주전투의 현장을 찾아보았다는데 의미가 있었다. Ridgway 장군이 전사한 Walker 장군 후임으로 부임한지 얼마 되지 않은 시기였으며 서부전선에서 반격작전이 성공하고 있었던 상황에서 중공의 모택동과 팽덕화가 기습적으로 UN 서부전선의 후방 침투와 대구시로 진격하는 기동공격을 좌절시킨 전투이기도 하다.

It was meaningful to explore the battlefield of the Wonju Battle, which played a crucial role in understanding the brave defence against the advancing and overwhelming Chinese Forces during the Battle of Chipyong-ni by the U.S. 23rd Infantry Regiment and the leadership of Colonel Freedman. At the time, General Ridgway had recently taken over from General Walker, who had fallen in accident. The Western Front was in a situation where counteroffensives were succeeding, and it was, during this time, that the surprise maneuver by the Chinese Forces under direction of Mao and Pang was failed, preventing their infiltration into the rear of the UN Forces on the Western Front and their advance towards Taegu.양식의

서울로 돌아가야 하기에 시간이 제약되어 1951 1 북한군의 1 원주공세 전투지역이었던 원주역 남측 관설리-서곡리-흥업리 방어 진지를 보지 못하였다. 특히 진지 인근에 치열한 격전장이었던 247고지를 멀리 남쪽방향으로 바라만 보다가 다시 찾기로 하고 저녁식사를 서울로 복귀하였다. 원주ic 진입하여 2 영동고속도를 타고 동서울 방향으로 나아가는 중부고속도로를 타니 막히지 않고 빠르게 도착할 있었고 시계는 저녁 8 반을 가르키고 있었다.

Due to time constraints as I had to return to Seoul, I couldn't visit the defensive positions in the area of Gwanseo-ri, Seogock-ri, and Heungeop-ri, which were battlegrounds during the initial Wonju offensive by the North Korean Forces in January 1951. Particularly, it was regrettable not being able to see the intense battlefield at Hill 247, located near these positions. I briefly looked it out in the southern direction and made a mental note to revisit it later. After having dinner, I returned to Seoul. Entering Wonju IC, I took the Second Yeongdong Expressway, and the Central Expressway heading east towards East Seoul, was able to arrive quickly, encountering with no traffic jam, The clock indicated it was 8:30 in the late evening.


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