Pay Tribute to The USMC 5th Reg. Lt. William Hamilton Shaw 호국선열 해밀턴대위를 추모하며

아래의 글은 대한민국 서울 은평구에서 한국전 때 전사한 한 미군용사의 희생을 기리는 동상을 설치하고 65년만에 그의 후손을 초빙하여 추도식을 거행한 뜻깊은 사례가 있어 공개되었던 지면에서 옮기고자 한다. 

The story is transferred from the public media for installation of the USMC veteran fallen in Seoul in Korean War as it is so moving my heart that the gratitude should be shared together. 

6.25전쟁에 참전 해병 7연대의 작전을 위한 후방 정찰 은평구 녹번리에서 매복한 적과 싸우다 1950.9.22 장렬하게 전사한 윌리엄 해밀턴 대위(LT. William Hamilton Shaw) 추도식이 그의 동상이 있는 은평구 평화공원에서 2017.9.22 해군발전협회 주최로 열렸다.  2013 동상 제막식 그의 며느리, 손자 조카와 참전용사 가족이 참석했었다.
이날 추도식에 참여한 해군 참전단체, 예비역 단체, 주한미군 관계자 200여명의 참석자들아래와 같은 심정으로 6.25전쟁에 참전했던  대위의 애국정신에 머리를 숙였다.
나도 한국에서 태어났으니 한국 사람입니다. 조국에서 전쟁이 났는데 어떻게 마음 편하게 공부(Havard대에서 철학박사 과정 ) 하겠습니까? 공부는 조국에 평화가 다음에 해도 늦지 않습니다. 지금 고향이 전쟁 속에 고통을 당하고 있는데 지금 돕지 않고 나중에 선교하러 간다는 것은 양심이 도저히 허락하지 않습니다I was born in Korea and the Koreans are my brothers. How can I continue academic studies when there is a war breaking out in my homeland? ... I cannot resume my academic studies or a truly Christian life with my family until I first help secure peace and freedom in this country.”

대위는 Adeline Hamiton Shaw 선교사 아들로서 1922 평양 출생이다.  그가 참전을 결심한 배경에는 그의 양화진 묘비에 기록된 요한복음 (John) 15:13 “사람이 친구를 위하여 목숨을 버리면 보다 사랑은 없나니 Grater love has no other than this that he lays down his life for his friends.”라는 말씀이었다.

쇼대위는 1943 미국 해군 소위로 임관하여 2 세계대전 중에 노르망디 상륙작전에 참전 한국에 들어와 진해 해군사관학교 교관과 한국 해안경비대 창설에 기여하며 대한민국 국군 태동기를 이끌어 갔다. 이어 6·25전쟁 발발 소식을 듣고 한국이 내가 태어난 2 조국이기에 한국의 평화와 자유를 지키기 위해 해군에 입대해 인천상륙작전에 참전했으며 한국어와 한국지리에 정통해 맥아더 장군의 최고 측근 보좌관인 해군 정보장교로 임명돼 인천 상륙작전을 성공적으로 이끌었다. 작전완수 후에는 다시 자원해 해병대 5연대에 배속돼 서울탈환작전에 직접 참전했다.

대위는 1956 우리 정부로부터 금성충무 무공훈장, 미국정부로부터 은성훈장을 추서 받았으며 2010.6 당시 은평 구청장과 역대 해군 참모총장 등이 뜻을 모아 추모공원과 동상을 건립하여 그의 한국사랑  희생정신을 기리고자 하였다.

Senior leaders from the U.S. and Republic of Korea (ROK) navies paid tribute to the life of Lt. William Hamilton Shaw, a fallen hero of the Korean War, during a special ceremony at the ROK Naval Academy, Sept 29.
Cmdr. Lee Seung Eun, the logistics commander for the ROK Naval Academy, delivered a detailed history of Shaw's distinguished service during the Korean War to an audience including the superintendent of the ROK Naval Academy, the commander of U.S. Naval Forces Korea, the U.S. Naval attache for South Korea, and the president of ROK-US Friendship Association. A golden bust of Shaw was then unveiled on the grounds of the ROK Naval Academy, which will preserve Shaw's legacy for future generations of Korean naval officers and midshipmen.

"The bust unveiled today honors the legacy of William Hamilton Shaw, who helped shape the foundation of our alliance with the Republic of Korea through his incredible dedication and selfless service," said Rear Adm. Lisa Franchetti, commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea. "This is a fitting tribute to a naval officer who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country and for the freedom of the Korean people."

The son of Methodist missionaries, Shaw was born and raised in Korea. Shaw returned to the United States to attend Ohio Wesleyan University. He earned a commission in the U.S. Navy and participated in Operation Overlord as the executive officer of PT518 during World War II. Following the war, Shaw returned to Korea and began work at the ROK Naval Academy as a professor of English and ship operations.

At the outbreak of the Korean War, Shaw was pursuing a Doctoral degree in Philosophy at Harvard University. He immediately volunteered to return to duty in Korea as an intelligence officer. With his extensive knowledge of the Korean language as well as the local geography and ocean environment, Shaw played a key role in the landings at Incheon, serving as a close aide to Gen. Douglas MacArthur.

Following the landings, Shaw volunteered to fight with the 5th Marine Regiment, leading a number of dangerous intelligence gathering missions behind enemy lines in the effort to recapture Seoul. He was killed in action while leading a patrol of Marines near Nokbeonrri, Eunpyeonggu.

For his actions, Shaw was awarded the Silver Star and the Gold Star Chungmu Order of Military Merit. The Eunpyeong borough of Seoul recently erected a peace park that has a statue of Shaw, honoring his service to the Korean people. 
In 23 Jun. 2010 at the unveiling ceremony of his grandfather’s monument, “We’re glad to be back here and are very overwhelmed at what Koreans have done for William Hamilton. I think Korea was very special to him,” said Shaw’s granddaughter Kathleen Banner.

“I thought about why my grandfather came to Korea and I don’t think he came here just because of the war. He believed that the Korean culture was his and that Korea is his second homeland,” said William Cameron Shaw. 


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