Exploration of The Hill 625(Kari-san in Hongchon) for The Battle of Bunker Hill. 625 전장 Bunker Hill 가리산을 다녀오다.

1951 5 중순 중공군 2 춘계 대공세가 시작되었으며 중공군은 1 공세 서부전선이 아닌 중동부 전선의 10군단과 국군 3군단 사이 국군병력을 섬멸하려고 하였다. 그러나 UN군도 1951 4 하순 1 공세 남쪽으로 후퇴를 하였지만 다시 진격하여 38선을 회복하려 하였고 계속적인 정찰과 전투와 항공 정찰을 통해 중공군의 동태를 파악하고 있었다. (서울 북방 북한산, 덕소, 양평, 지평, 횡성, 양양선

In mid-May 1951, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army initiated the second phase of the Spring Offensive. During this period, the Chinese Forces aimed to annihilate the South Korean Forces between the 10th U.S. Corps and the South Korean 3rd Corps on the Central-Eastern Front, rather than focusing on the Western Front as in the first offensive. However, despite the United Nations (UN) Forces retreating southward during the first offensive in late April 1951, they regrouped and launched a counteroffensive, attempting to recapture the 38th parallel. The UN forces continually gathered intelligence through reconnaissance, engaged in battles, and conducted aerial surveillance to assess the movements of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army. (Locations mentioned drawn horizontally the northern part of Seoul, Mountain of Bukhan-san, Deokso, Yangpyeong, Chipyong-ni, Hoengsong, Yangyang.)

그래서 예측된 곳이 바로 중공군이 공격을 시작한 10군단과 국군 3군단이 포진하고 있는 전선이었다. 그러나 지역은 험준한 산악지대로 실제 방어해야 하는 전선은 서부전선보다 길었고 10군단 산하의 한미 사단은 절대로 병력이 부족하였다.

So, the anticipated area was precisely the front where the Chinese People's Volunteer Army initiated the attack and where the U.S. 10th Corps and the South Korean 3rd Corps were entrenched. However, this region was a rugged mountainous terrain, and the actual defensive front was longer than the Western Front. The U.S. 10th Corps, under which the U.S.-ROK Divisions were positioned, was significantly undermanned for the task at hand.양식의

지역은 현재 가리산 자연휴양림이 있는 홍천 두촌면 천현리이며 홍천에서 동북쪽으로 인제쪽으로 뻗은 44 국도에서 5km 이상 계곡을 따라 걸어 들어가야 하기에 자연 휴양림까지 도보로 1.5시간이 소요되며 다시 수리산 정상까지는 1.5시간을 등반하여야 하는 힘든 장소이다.

The area mentioned is currently located in Cheonhyeon-ri, Ducheon-myeon, Hongcheon, where there is the Kari-san Natural Recreation Forest. To reach the natural recreation forest, one needs to walk more than 5km from the adjacent National Route 44, which extends northeast from Hongchon to Inje. It takes approximately 1.5 hours on foot along the valley. Furthermore, to reach the summit of Suri-san, an additional 1.5 hours of climbing is required. It is a challenging location due to the rugged terrain and the time and effort required for both walking and climbing.

집에서 도시락을 준비하여 집사람과 2021 10 15() 9시경 차로 출발하여 강변북로를 타고 6 국도를 타고 덕소와 양평을 지나 지평 홍천까지 와서 44 국도를 타고 가리산을 향했다. 정오 홍천강과 내촌천이 만나는 지점에 있는 화양강 휴게소에서 점심을 먹고 주변 강변을 내려다본 목적지로 향했다.

On October 15, 2021 (Friday), after preparing lunch at home, I and my wife departed around 9 a.m. We drove along Gangbyeonbuk-ro, took National Route 6, passed through Deokso and Yangpyeong, and reached Chipyong and Hongcheon to take National Route 44. Continuing on Route 44, we headed towards the mountain of Kari-san. Around noon, at the point where the river of Hongcheon and creek of Naecheon converge, we stopped at Hwayanggang Rest Area to have lunch. After enjoying the view of the surrounding riverside, we proceeded towards our destination.양식의

평소 가보고 싶었던 2사단 산하 불란서군 장루이 의무대장의 기념비를 보고자 해서 가리산 계곡 입구에서 10km 동북쪽 두촌면에 있는 장루이 공원을 찾았다. 하얀 대리석에 장루이 대장의 동상이 앞쪽 가리산 자락을 바라보고 있었다. 5 작전 2사단 의무대에 있으면서 지뢰를 밟아 부상당한 국군을 치료하기 구출하여 나오던 위치에서 중공군이 설치한 지뢰에 희생되었다 한다. 그는 2 중순 남서쪽 지평리에서 중공군이 인해전술로 공격해 때도 2 3 동안 침착하게 많은 병사를 구하였고 많은 기지 주변의 민간인들을 치료해 주었다 한다.  

We visited the Jang Ru-i Park located 10 km northeast from the entrance of Kari-san Valley in Ducheon-myeon with the intention of seeing the memorial statue for French Jang Rui-yi, the medical officer under the U.S. 2nd Division. At the park, we found a statue of officer Jang Ru-i carved from white marble, facing the front side of the mountain of Kari-san. It is said that during the May offensive, while serving at the medical unit of the U.S. 2nd Division, officer Jang treated and rescued South Korean soldiers injured by landmines. Unfortunately, he sacrificed himself to a mine laid by the Chinese Army at his current location. In mid-February, when the Chinese Forces attacked from the southwest near Chipyong-ni, officer Jang remained calm and rescued many soldiers over a period of two nights and three days. Subsequently, he also provided medical care to numerous civilians around military bases.양식의


주변의 산야는 맞은편 가리산 공원측 응본산 모두 일부분 불에 흔적이 있어 아쉬웠다. 44 국도에서 강원도 농업기술원이 있는 배면도로상에 조그만한 공원이 조성되어 있었고 태극기와 UN 불란서 깃발이 나부끼고 있었으며 동상 뒷면에 국어와 불어로 그의 무공이 기려져 있었다. 다시한번 자유 대한민국 국민으로서 동상을 세원 홍천군수님에게 감사를 표하고자 한다.    

The surrounding mountains, including Kari-san and Eungbon-san on the opposite side, showed traces of fire, which was regrettable. On the National Route 44, a small park was constructed on the behind road where the Gangwon Provincial Agricultural Technology Institute is located. In the park, there were flagpoles displaying the national flag of South Korea, the UN flag, and the flag of France. Behind the statue, officer Jang Ru-I’s achievements were engraved in both Korean and French. Once again, as a citizen of the Republic of Korea, I would express my gratitude to Hongcheon County Mayor for erecting this statue as a memorial for officer Jang’s sacrifice.


차를 돌려 Bunker Hill 수리산을 향했고 15 정도 구불구불 계곡을 타고 올라가니 가리산자연휴양림 입구가 나타났고 이어서 주차장이 있어 주차를 하였다. 주차장 주변에는 한국해병 1연대의 가리산 탈환 기념비와 전공이 기록되어 있었다. 1951 3 해병대가 원주에서부터 횡성을 탈환하고 홍천을 거쳐 춘천을 탈환하면서 산하의 한국해병연대로 하여금 수리산을 점령하게 하여 인제와 홍천을 있는 44 국도를 당시의 주요 보급선으로 확보하고자 것이었다.

Turning the car towards Kari-san also known as the Bunker Hill, we drove toascend for about 15 minutes through winding valleys. Soon, the entrance to Kari-san Natural Recreation Forest appeared and a parking lot where we parked. In the vicinity of the parking lot, there was a memorial commemorating the recapture of Kari-san by the 1st Marine Regiment of the Republic of Korea. The memorial documented the significant events of the division during the Korean War. In March 1951, the U.S. Marine Division starting from Wonju, recaptured Chuncheon through Hongcheon after taking Hoengsong, ordering Korean Marines to secure Kari-san. The strategic goal was to control the National Route 44, a main supply line at the time, between Inje and Hongcheon.

주차장에서 정상을 향해 산보 당시의 전투 분위기를 느끼기 위해 걸어 올랐다, 깊은 계곡아래 냇물이 흘렀고 험준한 경관을 이용하여 Flying Jib 설치돼 있었다. Camping장을 지나 조성된 길을 숨가쁘게 걸어 올랐는데 당시 가리산 정상 주변의 능선에 Ruffner 사단장이 통솔하는 2사단 38연대 산하 3 대대가 중공군의 공격에 대비하여 진을 치고 있었고 이곳 밑에서 노무대를 동원하여 우마차와 지계를 이용하여 능선까지 각종 탄약과 식수와 철조망을 운반했다 한다. 당시 미군의 회상에 따르면 도로가 끝나는 지점에서부터 시간 꼬박 올라야 능선에 다다랐다 하였기에 아마도 휴양림 입구정도가 차량이 어렵게 도착하여 병사들이 도보로 이동하였을 것으로 추정된다.

From the parking lot, we walked towards the summit to enjoy the mountain scenery and to feel the atmosphere of the past battles. Below the deep valleys, a water stream flowed, and the rugged landscape was featured with the installation of the Flying Jib. Passing through the camping site, we briskly ascended the trail that was developed. On the ridgeline near the summit of Kari-san at that time, three battalions under the U.S. 2nd Division's 38th Regiment, commanded by Ruffner, were fortifying their positions to prepare for an anticipating Chinese Force attack. From the base of the mountain, they mobilized manpower to transport various ammunition, drinking waters, and barbed wires, using animal carts and A Frames. According to the recollections of the U.S. soldier at that time, it took about an hour to reach the ridgeline from the point where the developed trail was ended. Therefore, it is presumed that the entrance to the recreation forest, approximately at this location, was where vehicles had difficulty reaching, and soldiers likely had to get off and proceed on foot.양식의

정상의 미군들이 참호를 팠는데 대대장이 순찰을 하고 깊게 파도록 요구하였고 중공군의 인해전술로 인하여 만약 진지가 점령되었을 참호로 대피한 아군의 후방 야포대의 진지내 포격에 견딜 있도록 의도하였다 한다. 1951 5 16 중공군의 공격이 시작되었고 19일까지 3 4 동안 높은 가리산 능선 고지에서 미군들은 중공군과 치열한 전투를 벌였고 가리산 정상에 진지 포격을 요청하여 돌격해온 중공군을 격멸하기도 하였다 한다.    

The U.S. soldiers at the summit dug a line of trenches, and after the battalion commander conducted patrols, he requested digging trenches deeper for better protection. Due to the Chinese Human Wave Tactic, if the position were to be occupied, the intention was for the soldiers to evacuate to the trenches and withstand suppressing fire from the friendly rear artillery positions. The Chinese Force launched its attack on May 16, 1951, and for three nights and four days until the 19th, the U.S. soldiers engaged in intense combat with the enemy on the high ridges of Kari-san. They requested artillery fire in their positions around summit, successfully repelling the assaulting Chinese Forces.양식의

미군들은 능선상의 고지 주변에 깊은 참호를 파고 복선의 철조망과 대인지뢰를 포설하였으며 중간 중간 휘발유가 담긴 drum통을 매설하여 화염방사기 기능을 확보하였다. 중공군이 공격해오면 지뢰폭발에 개의치 않고 최종 철조망을 넘으려 비로소 사격을 개시하였고 포격지원을 요청하였다. 사격지휘반과 무전 교신이 단절되기도 했으나 통신을 회복하여 화력으로 적을 살상하였다. 그러나 중공군의 인해전술에 의한 중과부족으로 아군 진지로 적이 침투했을 깊은 참호로 대피하면서 진지내 포격을 감행하였기에 수리산을 Bunker Hill 부르게 되었다 한다.  

The U.S. soldiers dug deep trenches around the high ridges, installed barbed wire fences, and laid anti-personnel mines. They placed drums filled with gasoline at intervals, ensuring the availability of flamethrowers. When the Chinese Forces attacked, the U.S. soldiers initiated gunfire only when the enemy attempted to cross the final barbed wire, disregarding mine explosions. They also requested artillery support. Despite moments of disrupted communication, they managed to regain communication and inflicted casualties on the enemy using their firepower. However, due to the human wave tactics of the Chinese Forces and the shortage of ammunition, when the enemy penetrated their positions, the U.S. soldiers retreated to the deep trenches while conducting artillery fire from the rear within the positions they retreated from. This was why the mountain of Kari-san was called as the Bunker Hill.양식의

그러나 2사단 우측의 한국군 사단(국군 5사단 7사단) 중공군에 의해 무너져 내리면서 전선이 돌파되고 중공군이 10군단 후방으로 침투해 가능성이 커지면서 어렵게 확보한 수리산 Bunker Hill 고지에서 용감했던 2사단 장병들이 내려와서 후방의 지정된 작전구역으로 이동하였다 한다. 당시 10 군단의 우측에 있는 국군 5 사단과 국군 3 군단의 좌측에 있는 국군 7 사단정면을 돌파한 중공군은 방대산과 상남면에 차단선을 구축하여 후퇴하는 국군을 섬멸하였고 1 평균 26km 돌파속도로 남진하여 2사단 주력이 홍천(洪川) 동북방 가리산 지역에서 치열하게 전투를 무인지경으로 영동고속도로가 있는 속사까지 남진하였다 한다.

However, as the South Korean Divisions on the right flank of the U.S. 2nd Division (ROKA 5th Division and ROKA 7th Division) collapsed under the attack of the Chinese Forces, the front line was breached. With the increasing likelihood of the Chinese Forces infiltrating into the rear area of the U.S. 10th Corps, the soldiers of the 2nd Division who had valiantly held the secured position at the summit of Kari-san (Bunker Hill) descended and moved to designated operational zones in the rear. At that time, the Chinese Forces, after breaking through the front of the ROKA 5th Division on the right side of the U.S. 10th Corps and the front of the ROKA 7th Division on the left side of the ROKA 3rd Corps, established blocking lines in the mountain of Bangdae-san and the village of Sangnam-myeon. They annihilated retreating ROKA units and advanced southward at an average breakthrough speed of 26 km per day. They reached without obstacles as far as Socksa close to the current Yeongdong Expressway, during fierce combat when the main force of the U.S. 2nd Division was engaged in intense battles in the Kari-san northeast of Hongchon.양식의


8 군은 5 18일에야 중공군과 북한군이 주공을 중부전선에 집중했고 동부와 서부에 지향했던 조공병력은 보잘 없다는 것을 명확히 밝혀냈고 Van Fleet 장군은 미제 3사단과 187공병연대를 10 군단 우측면에 급파하고 좌측 전선의 9 군단 우익을 동쪽으로 연장하여 10 군단 전선을 좁혀 전력을 급히 보강하였다. 8군의 유일한 예비사단으로 서부전선에 주둔하던 3사단은 120km 하루만에 이동하여 전선에 긴급 배치되어 중공군 돌파를 저지하고 미제 2사단도 가리산에서 후퇴하여 적의 후방침투를 방어하고 대관령(大關嶺)에서는 백선엽 장군 국군 1군단 휘하의 수도사단이 중공군의 진격을 격퇴시켰다 한다.  

On May 18, the U.S. 8th Army realized that the Chinese and North Korean Forces had concentrated their main efforts on the central fronts, with limited activity in the eastern and western fronts. General Van Fleet swiftly responded by deploying the U.S. 3rd Division and the U.S. 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team to the right flank of the U.S. 10th Corp. He extended the right wing of the U.S. 9th Corp on the left front of the 10th Corp eastward to narrow the U.S. 10th Corp' front line and rapidly reinforced its overall strength. As the only reserve division on the western front, the U.S. 3rd Division, which was stationed there, covered a distance of 120 km in a single day and was urgently placed on the front line to block the Chinese Breakthrough. The U.S. 2nd Division also retreated from Kari-san to defend against enemy rear infiltration. At the pass of Daegwal-lyeong, under the command of General Baik Sun-yeop, the ROKA 1st Corp successfully repelled the Chinese advance.양식의

Bunker Hill 고지인 수리산(1015 meters) 정기를 느끼며 자유민주주의를 위해 공산군과 곳에서 싸웠던 푸른 눈의 병사들을 생각하며 분들의 용기와 희생을 다시한번 기리고자 한다.

Reflecting on the summit of Bunker Hill, Kari-san (1,015 meters), I can feel the essence of freedom and democracy. Thinking of the brave soldiers with blue eyes who fought against the communist forces at this place, I would like to pay my honor for their courage and sacrifices.


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