Decisive Results of the US 1st Marine Div., That Changed the Course of the Korean War 한국전쟁의 역사를 바꾼 미해병 1사단의결사적 무용담
내전에서 다져진 정예화된 중공군의 능력과 야간전투를 시도하는 전략을 무시한 맥아더 장군의 UN군에 대한 1950년 성탄절 진격명령은 미군8군과 10군의 패배로 인하여 한국을 잃게되는 풍전등화의 긴급한 상황을 초래했다. The order issued by General MacArthur to attack in the Christmas season in the year of 1950 had brought the desperate situation and total defeat of the US 8th Army Corp. and 10th Corp. who faced overwhelming Chinese People's Army trained well in their civil war, and challenged with their battle tactic of Night Attack. 다음은 릿지웨이 장군이 미해병대 1사단의 장진호 전투가 끝난지 33년만인 1984년경 기록한 미해병 1사단과 사단장에 대한 획고록을 인용한 것이다. The following memorandum was written by General Ridgway at 33 years after the Chosin battle where the 1st US Marine Division fought in regard of the fighting forces and divisional commander. " To the right of Walker’s Eighth Army, the 1st Marine Division, under General Oliver Smith, had been ordered to advance up on to the roof of Korea north and northwest to Kanggye and Manpojin on the Yalu. The only road over which the Marines could advance , was a si...