
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Travel of Sanjeong Lake

We drove on the Dongbuganseon(Eastern Main) Road for Sanjeong Lake, being departure yesterday at 09:30 from Songpa-gu, Seoul. On the way of the lake, we dropped by the Korean War Monument at Chukseok Hill where the battalion commander Kim accompanied with his artillery battery commander rushed to the hill foot, deciding to destroy North Korean tanks braking through South Korean resistance line at Kumo-ri at early dawn on the date of 26 June 1950. He thought if he couldn’t fight off the tanks, collapse of Seoul should be taken place. He brought one 105 mm artillery to shoot directly the lead tank at the hill foot and succeeded to destroy it. But, he and his group were immediately killed by the counter shoots from the tanks following that lead tank. We took our steps on the stairs to see the monument and the sculptures of the soldiers and monument tower were stood. I found the passage to the monument was paved newly because it took a few years to come before. This monument was located j...

Travel to Yongmun Temple in Yangpyong and Jipyong Battle Monument Hall near Yongmun 양평 용문사 및 지평리 전쟁 기념관 여행기록

신라 마지막 왕자인 마 의태자의 금강산 가는길과 관련된 용문사 은행나무와 최초의 중공군과의 전투에서 대승을 거둔 지평리 전투현장을 보기 위해 2017.8.20 오전 09:30 차량으로 송파구에서 출발 서하남 IC 옆으로 뻗어 있는 서하남로를 타고 하남방향으로 가다가 43 번 국도를 타고   광주방향으로 남 진하여 광주근처에서 45 번 국도로 갈아 타서 북진하다 우측 ( 동측 ) 의 퇴촌으로 진행하여 죄측으로 해협산을 끼고 고개를 넘어 남한강변 강하면사무소를 통과 계속 동진하여 양평군 양근대교를 건너 상평교차로에서 6 번 국도를 타고 동진하여 용문 Tunnel 을 지나 용문사 이정표를 따라 북측으로 달리니 용무사 주자창 입구가 나왔다 .  We started to see the Gingko Tree related with the Maui Prince of the last Shilla dynasty prince and his trial path to the Kumkang mountain, and Jipyong Battle place known for the first victory of UN forces against Chinese forces in Korean war, at 0930 in 20 Aug. 2017 from Songpa-gu, Seoul.  I drove on the West Hanam road stretched by the West Hanam interchange, took the national road 43 to south Kwangju(Kyungan), changed to the national road 45 at Kwangju northward, turned right to Toichon village, drove up the small but gradually sloped hill n...