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적성 식현리 국사봉 인근 1951.4월 한군전 전투지 탐방

나는 임진강변 한국전쟁 전적지 탐방을 좋아한다 . 그래서 파주로부터 시작해서 동쪽 연천까지 자주 자동차로 여행했다 . 특히 2004 년 적성면 설마리 영국군 전사를 알 게 된 이후로는 주로 의정부 양주 광적 , 남면을 거쳐 371 번 국도를 타고 감악산과 파평산 사이 계곡길과 감악산과 마치산 계곡길인 375 번 국도로 운전하여 적성의 영국국 추모공원을 자주 방문했다 . 이 때 인근 적성의 식현리 국사봉과 관련된 국군 1 사단 15 연대 및 미 73 탱크대대 C 중대의 중공군과 전투가 있다는 사실을 알고 국사봉까지 답사하기도 하였다 . 그러고 보니 인근 적성의 식현 사거리에서 남측으로 눌로천을 따라 뻗어 있는 도로를 따라 미군 탱크들이 자주 나타나곤 했던 기억도 있었는데 이번에 그 이유를 알 수 있는 글을 인터넷에서 발견하였다 . 1951.4.22 영군군 Gloster 대대가 중공군 187 사단의 공격을 받아 완전히 파괴되는 시점에서 일단은 규모가 적은 교란목적의 중공군 1 개 연대 공격을 받았으나 영국군 대대 죄편의 국군 15 연대는 미 탱크중대와 보전 협공으로 1 개 대대 중공군을 완전히 파괴하는 전과가 있었다는 사실을 발견했다 . 특히 이 전투가 인해전술을 구사해서 남한을 점령하려는 중공군 수뇌부에게 미군의 화력을 무시하지 못하게 되고 그들의 전략을 바꿀 수 밖에 없도록 만든 계기가 되었다는 것이다 . 즉 적이 인해전술로 공격하면 저항하다가 축차적으로 후퇴하여 적을 노출시키고 화력으로 약화시킨 후 적이 주저하면 공격하는 Ridgway 8 군 사령관의 전략이 확인되는 전투였다 . 영군의 Gloster 대대는 1951.4 월 ...

One day visit of Typhoon Observatoy Post near Yonchon, Korea

I drove, in the day of 11 Nov. 2017, with my wife, along South Kuri to Pochon Express Way to arrive in Typhoon Observatory Post I had visited  nine(9) years ago with my son planned nearly to join in the army. Off the   South Kuri to Pochon Express Way, I came into Deokjong IC to take Euijongbu to Dongduchon Motor way. As soon as I got off Dongduchon IC, I took Happy Valley(present #37 Road) nested between Mt. Kamak and Macha, where British soldiers fought and desperately retreated from Chinese attack in Apr. 1951.  I turned left toward Jeoksong to get into Eoyuji-ri where British Fusilier Bt. had stationed during that battle and to get into Majon-ri where Belgium Bt. had retreated, crossing Hantan river for prevention of being surrounded by Chinese. We arrive in the post after driving through Kunnam-myon field, at around 1300. The military canteen was there as it had been before, but it was closed. We had a lunch boxes at the car.  We walked up and saw the...

Preacher James Gale in Korea

James Scarth Gale was born in Feb. 1863 at Miami as a boy among 5 boys and I daughter..He came to Korea in Dec. 1888 with his probable motive to explore a hidden treasure land and had stayed for 40 years travelling 25 times Korean peninsula including Hamhung, Wonsan and Seoul in which he cooperated with Dr. Underwood..It can assumed for him to travel 2 times a year on his foot…It was time Japan China war had broken out in 1884 and the business trade had agreed with British in 1883. At that time in 1863 Korea had agreed with France to preach Christian. Korea had seen China was defeated by British at the Narcotic war in 1840 and in 1882 Korea saw Holland commercial ship had been wrecked in Jeju island to know the western world. Russia Japan war was followed in 1904 around the peninsula.. As an American, he might know the ship Sherman accident that Sherman came upstream to anchor the city of Pyongang, asking trade but, in process of communication with Koreans gathering along the rive...

Suri-san Mountain Exploration for a Korean Battle Place

Yesterday, I and my wife dove to Suri-san mountain to explore the battle taken place in 31 Jan, 1951 and 2 Feb. 1951 between US Army 25 th Div. 27 th Reg. 3 rd Bat. and Chinese forces. This mountain had been my target to explore, but it was too high and looked too stiff to hike. I thought we rather approach the deep valley of the mountain to look around Suri-sa Temple. It was quite deeply located under the top of Suri-san mountain and good place to walk along with the creek and Kalchi-ho lake in autumn season of Korea. We started at 10:00 and arrived at 11:00 at the parking lot of the mountain. A lot of vehicles were parked along with the road and around the lake up to the parking lot. We saw a cafeteria selling coffees and chocolates and considered to use its bathroom after hiking. We walked along the road to the temple and arrived at the point to which the road was ended with its pavement and at which the mountain map was posted. We found the top of mountain, Hill 440...

Exploration of Taejon Battle Site in Korean War 대전전투 현장에 대한 탐방

2017.9.10 일 평소 한군전쟁 초기에 실종된 딘장군과 미육군 제 24 사단의 대전전투와 관련된 자료를 기초로 직접 탐방하기로 하였다 . I and my wife who were very interested in the battle of Taejon and the 24 th US Army Division and General Dean decided to explore the place in Taejon in 10 Sep. 2017. 당일 일찍 출발하여 제 34 연대 /19 연대가 진지를 구축한 월평공윈 인근의 능선을 확인하고 제 3 대대 사령부와 야전포대가 배치되었던 정림동 월평 정수장 근처를 확인한 후 북한군 탱크와 격전을 치루었던 서대전역 사거리 , 대전역사와 인동사거리 및 후방 사단이 최종적으로 후퇴했던 판암 옥천길 ( 세천터널 포함 ) 을 확인하고 보문산의 전투 기념비를 탐방하고자 했었다 . We planned to visit the places as follows, starting very early.  The places were the mountain ridge near Wolpyong Park where the 34 th /19 th Regiments established their trenches, the Wolpyong Water Treatment Plant near where the command post of the Battalion and Artillery Batteries were dispatched, the Crossroad of West Taejon where North Korean Tanks were destroyed, the Taejon Station, the In-dong Crossroad and the Retreat Route of Panam Okchon icl. Sechon Tunnel and the Ba...