
Showing posts from June, 2019

Description of Chosin - General Ridgway

To the right of Walker’s Eighth Army, the 1st Marine Division, under General Oliver Smith, had been ordered to advance up on to the roof of Korea north and northwest to Kanggye and Manpojin on the Yalu. The only road , over which the Marines could advance , was a single track dirt and gravel path, narrow, winding, crawling through forbidding cliffs and ridges and climbing up over terrain as wild and inhospitable as any in all of Korea. One section , known as the Funchilin Pass, was a ten-mile stretch that climbed 2,500 feet along a narrow, frightening shelf with an impassable cliff on one side and a chasm on the other. This road ended at the woebegone village of Yudam-ni on the southwest corner of the Changjin Reservoir that bleak and wind-blown stretch of ice that nearly marked a major disaster to our forces. But before it reached Yudam-ni, the road wound agonizingly up over 4,000-foot Toktong Pass where temperatures resembled those in Alaska. General Smith was as alive as Walk...

Lake Paro-ho, Proudly Kept Its Name for Destruction of Chinese Peoples’ Army 중공군을 격파한 자랑스러운 파로호

파로호는 일제 강점기인 1944 년 화천댐이 건설되면서 생긴 인공호수다 . Lake Paro-ho was formed by the artificial Hwachon dam constructed in 1944 in time of Japanese colony. 6 · 25 때 한국군이 중공군에 승전한 것을 기념해 이승만 대통령이 파로호 ( 오랑캐를 무찌른 호수 ) 로 이름 지어 현재에 이르고 있다 . This lake name has been named by President Seungman Lee in commemoration of the great victory against Chinese People’s Army in Korean war. 그러나 중국은 우리 정부와 지자체에 중국 관광객들이 불쾌하게 생각한다며 이름을 바꾸라고 요구한 것으로 알려졌다 . However it is known that China has asked Korean government and the provincial authority to change the lake name, expressing its Chinese people’s un-pleasantness.   또한 화천군의 일부 시민단체도 한 / 중 및 남 / 북관계 , 그리고 평화 분위기 조성을 위해 파로호를 원래 이름인 대붕호 ( 大鵬湖 ) 로 바꾸자는 운동을 벌이고 있는 것으로 알려졌다 . In response of this, a few citizen’s organization is believed in campaigning to change the name with Daebung-ho used before for consideration of Korea vs China and Korea vs North Korea relationship, and promoting peace talk with North Korea. ...