Description of Chosin - General Ridgway
To the right of Walker’s Eighth Army, the 1st Marine Division, under General Oliver Smith, had been ordered to advance up on to the roof of Korea north and northwest to Kanggye and Manpojin on the Yalu. The only road , over which the Marines could advance , was a single track dirt and gravel path, narrow, winding, crawling through forbidding cliffs and ridges and climbing up over terrain as wild and inhospitable as any in all of Korea. One section , known as the Funchilin Pass, was a ten-mile stretch that climbed 2,500 feet along a narrow, frightening shelf with an impassable cliff on one side and a chasm on the other. This road ended at the woebegone village of Yudam-ni on the southwest corner of the Changjin Reservoir that bleak and wind-blown stretch of ice that nearly marked a major disaster to our forces. But before it reached Yudam-ni, the road wound agonizingly up over 4,000-foot Toktong Pass where temperatures resembled those in Alaska. General Smith was as alive as Walk...