
Showing posts from 2018

Exploration of Hwachon Battle Places against Chinese 5th Spring Offensive in April 1951

We kick off at 9 am to explore Hwachon battle places of which were primarily Para-ho lake, Pukhan-kang river side, Chilsong observatory post at first. I and my wife packed a lunch box, planning to have dinner at restaurant for one day trip. We took a river-side road of Pukhan-gang river, passing Kapyong to the merging point, Euam Lake, of Soyang-gang river where we run northward. We had a lunch at around noon at Animation Museum, near Bam-som islands, known as good for walking around the facilities with the river stream. In the way of Hwachon, passing by USMC retreat route from Hwachon to Mojin Bridge in Wonpyong-ri and Mal(Horse) & Hill 902 where a battalion ,1 st US Marines, breathlessly hiked up to fought off running headlong Chinese in Apr. 1951 to secure the retreating route. We also passed through the junction for Horseshoes Ridge and Hwachon. Horseshoes Ridge, occupied to protect the west flank of the division by each battalion of 7 th and 1 st Marines,   was not...

Exploration of The 1st U.S. Marine's River of Pukhan Battle in Apr. 1950. 1950년 4월 중공군 춘계 대공세를 저지한 미 제1해병사단의 북한강 전투지역 탐방

2018 년 11 월 20 일 오전 10 시 나와 집사람은 도시락과 커피를 준비하여 북한강 지역의 Horse-shoes Ridge 와 902 고지 진입로 및 모진교를 탐방하기로 했다 . 이 지역은 1951 년 4 월 22 일 중공군이 서울 후방으로 진격과 동서간 UN 군의 이동을 차단하기 위해 실시한 대규모 공세 때 전투가 치열한 지역이다 . I and my wife decide to explore the Horse-shoes Ridge, Mojin Bridge and Hill 902 access route along the Pukhan-gang River at 10 am in 20 Nov. 2018. This place has been known to be the hottest battle area in 22 Apr. 2018 in time of Chinese Army maneuver to Seoul and cut the UN fronts between east and west.       Picture – Mojin bridge linking North Wonpyong-ri and South Iram-ri                   under the Chunchon lake 당시 이 지역의 좌측에는 미 8 군단 일원으로 국군 제 6 사단이 Wyoming 선까지 진격하며 김화를 탈환하고자 한 시점이었고 국군 좌측에는 미 제 24 사단이 진격해 있었고 우측에는 이번에 탐방하는 지역으로 미 해병 1 사단이 화천북방까지 진격해 있었다 .   At that time, the 6 th ROK Army DIV., as a part of the 8 th US Army Corp, has onward to t...