New KDVA(Korea Defence Veteran Association) Chairman and President’s Inaugural Message 주한미군 전우회 신임 회장 및 이사장 취임사

This inaugural message was addressed in February 1, 2023 on the site of KDVA(Korea Defence Veteran Association). I had an opportunity to join the association as an associate member in Aug. 15, 2023. The reason joining the KDVA has been caused by my lifetime value, don't forget your debt for anyone who pay for you, that surely be a guide post on my lifetime. My parent in their nineties experienced the Korean war and knew who helped their country and them in the brutal war. I was born just after the war, as a baby boomer, and have undestood that help continued over 73 years, as I have taught and seen U.S. GIs and their families, military camps, protestant(puritan) missionaries and their churches and hospitals, JSA, and military exercises regulary carried out. I have realized that my country has been blessed for having deep relationship with the U.S.A. the greatest moral and free country ever in history on earth. So, I would encourage you to join the association for remin...